Quoit complate with 30m self floating rope, deployable for immediate rescue

Light weight and durable oars. Available in plastic or wood

Used to slow down boat or liferaft when facing strong winds or heavy seas

Ball, cylindrical, conical, double conical and diamond shape

International marine signal flags

Waterproof rubber signalling torch with lanyard and batteries

Canvas bag loosely filled with oil absorbent material

Fits between HRU and lashing strap, securing a liferaft its cradle

Watertight, hand-held search light with morse and on/off switch

The Hammer H20 is designed to activate release at depths between 1.5-4m

Emergency food ration 500gms with 5 years shelf life

Emergency drinking water 500ml with 5 years shelf life

Retro reflective tape 2" X 50 mtrs rolls in accordance to SOLAS code

Short handled, single edge hatchat for use in lideboats

fiberglass rapair kit for lifeboats and rescue boat

A compact daylight signalling mirror

Made of special lightweight alloy treated against corrosion, folds flat for storage

Suvival fishing kit